Volunteer Opportunities
Responsible To:
Staff member noted on descriptions below
This person will be a Christian, who lives in the Greater Tulsa area, or is able to work remotely and wishes to have an impact on the world for Christ through serving as a volunteer with Literacy & Evangelism International. Candidates will have a strong desire to increase the literacy rate around the world so all people may eventually read the Bible for themselves.
Help with various tasks, mostly at LEI headquarters in Tulsa, Oklahoma, such as: tutoring, computer input, mailing preparation, library upkeep, maintenance of buildings and grounds, video and photography, meal preparation, administrative assistance and many more kinds of duties. LEI staff members will provide on-the-job training and support as needed. If you are interested in any of the tasks under the Complete Descriptions listed below submit a volunteer application form (available here) to [email protected] , or contact us at (918)585-3826.
If you are interested in being a volunteer with LEI, please fill out an application and submit to [email protected]. literacyevangelism.org/sites/default/files/imported_job_listing_attached_files/Volunteer-OpportunitiesApplication-Volunteer_1_00000000.pdf
Complete Description:
For Reference
Literacy & Evangelism International (LEI)
International Literacy Training Institute (ILTI)
Tutor Training Workshop (TTW)
English as a Second Language (ESL)
Task: Computer Data Input
Time Commitment: A few hours per week.
Description: input computer data. Willing to learn to use the necessary programs if not familiar with them.
Location: LEI Campus, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Contact Person: Patty Hickman [email protected]
Task: Desktop Publishing
Time Commitment: A few hours per week.
Description: Input primer materials into the LEI computer format. Willing to learn to use the necessary programs if not familiar with them.
Location: LEI Campus, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Contact Person: Patty Hickman [email protected]
Task: Grounds Clean-up Helper
Time Commitment: A few hours two or three times per year.
Description: Join the LEI staff as we clean up the LEI campus grounds: planting trees, weeding flower beds, trimming bushes, raking leaves, etc. Lunch provided. Good fellowship.
Location: LEI Campus, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Contact Person: Sharon Hopson [email protected]
Task: Office Helper
Time Commitment: A few hours per week.
Description: Fold and put publications into envelopes for surface mail distribution, filing, copying, etc.
Location: LEI Campus, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Contact Person: Patty Hickman [email protected]
Task: Pray
Time Commitment: 1-3 hours per week and as led.
Description: Pray for the ministry and people of LEI, using the monthly prayer calendar.
Location: in a personally chosen location.
Contact Person: Patty Hickman [email protected]
Task: Recruiting and Maintaining Tutor Volunteers
Time Commitment: A few hours per month.
Description: Recruit and provide support and encouragement for volunteers tutoring in the Tulsa area.
Location: Tulsa and surrounding area.
Contact Person: Bob Biederman [email protected]
Task: Tulsa Literacy Center Helper
Time Commitment: A few hours per week.
Description: Assist with administration for Tulsa Literacy Center.
Location: Tulsa and surrounding area.
Contact Person: Bob Biederman [email protected]
Task: Tutoring ESL
Time Commitment: 1-3 hours per week of tutoring plus preparation time.
Description: This person will be eager to help others learn to speak English. Successful completion of TTW for ESL is required. You will be matched with a student to work with, one-on-one, once or twice a week, at a mutually agreeable time and public place. This might be on the LEI Campus, at a church, library or similar location. Tutoring could also be by computer or smart phone.
Location: LEI Campus, Tulsa, Oklahoma, and various other locations.
Contact Person: Bob Biederman [email protected]
Task: Tutoring Literacy
Time Commitment: 1-3 hours per week of tutoring plus preparation time.
Description: This person will be eager to help others learn to read and write. Successful completion of TTW for literacy is required. You will be matched with a student to work with, one-on-one, once or twice a week, at a mutually agreeable time and public place. This might be on the LEI Campus, at a church, library or similar location. Tutoring could also be done by computer or smart phone.
Location: LEI Campus, Tulsa, Oklahoma, and various other locations.
Contact Person: Bob Biederman [email protected]
Event: Tutor Training Workshop for ESL
Time Commitment: Ten hours of class time, usually spread over two evenings and a Saturday morning.
Description: Training includes practice time. A commitment to tutor for at least a year, as able, is a plus. A small charge for the TTW includes curriculum, class handouts, and snacks.
Location: LEI Campus, Tulsa, Oklahoma, and various other locations. Online classes also available.
Contact Person: Bob Biederman [email protected]
Event: Tutor Training Workshop for Literacy
Time Commitment: Ten hours of class time, usually spread over two evenings and a Saturday morning.
Description: Training includes practice time. A commitment to tutor for at least a year, as able, is a plus. A small charge for the TTW includes curriculum, class handouts, and snacks.
Location: LEI Campus, Tulsa, Oklahoma, and various other locations. Online classes also available.
Contact Person: Bob Biederman [email protected]
Other Possibilities
1. Regular or full-time volunteer: If you are interested in this kind of commitment, please also consider the other job descriptions listed above this category of Volunteer Opportunities.
2. Short-term Mission Team: If you would like to participate in this kind of cross-cultural experience, please contact: [email protected]
3. More training options: If you would like to see all the possibilities available, please click here.
4. You have special skills to offer: If you would like to explore how you can use your special skills to serve with LEI, please phone (918) 585-3826 or send a request to us here.